The Uniformed Public Service Community First Responders are a CFR scheme coordinated by CRITICAL charity, comprising of members of the uniformed front line services within the public service whose primary professional role is to respond to emergencies and who are willing to volunteer as a community first responder while off duty in their local community.
Membership of CRITICAL UPS-CFR is limited to:

- Members of An Garda Siochana
- Members of the Permanent Defence Forces
- Members of HSE Clinical Front Line Services (E.g. Doctors, Nurses, HCAs)
- Members of the County / City Fire Brigades
- Civil Defence Officers and Assistant Civil Defence Officers
- Members of the Prison Service
- Members of Major Emergency Teams (HSE & County Councils)
- Members of the Coastguard (Full Time Staff)
- Members of RNLI (Full Time Staff)
If you wish to find out more or join this programme, please contact